Month: July 2023

DEGA-Akademie 2023 Nach der Corona bedingten Pause und dem letzten Akademiekurs in einer „online-Version veranstalten wir in diesem Jahr den Akademiekurs „Strömungsakustik“ wieder in Präsenz in Erlangen an der Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg. Der erste Teil richtet sich an Interessierte in Forschung...

Background: Simulations of turbulent flows are very time-consuming, in particular when all the scales of motion are resolved in space and time. This latter approach, termed direct numerical simulation, is by far the most accurate approach, but limited to comparably simple geometries. Using the flexi...

Background: Simulations of turbulent flows are very time-consuming, in particular when all the scales of motion are resolved in space and time. One way to alleviate the difficult meshing for these types of simulations is to use adaptive mesh refinement (AMR). There are different flavours of AMR, inc...