Student Theses
The Institute of Fluid Mechanics supervises student research projects, bachelor and master theses in German or English language in all scientific fields. During their thesis period, the students are integrated into the institute’s team and the projects of the respective division, i. e. they fully comprehend the implication of their work in current research projects of the institute.
If you are interested in doing your thesis at the LSTM, please refer to the following information on our research groups.
Research Group: Turbulence and Simulation
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
Prof. Dr. Sc. Techn. Philipp Schlatter | Phone number: +49 9131 85-29500 | Email: | Website: |
Siavash Toosi, Ph.D. | Phone number: +49 9131 85-29567 | Email: | |
Venkatesh Pulletikurthi, Ph.D. | Phone number: +49 9131 85-29493 | Email: |
Main research areas
- High-performance computing
- Parallel methods
- Data analysis
- Uncertainty quantification
- Code development: Simson, OpenFOAM, Nek5000, Neko
Wall-bounded flows
Prof. Dr. Sc. Techn. Philipp Schlatter | Phone number: +49 9131 85-29500 | Email: | Website: |
Main research areas
- Turbulent boundary layers
- Turbulent pipe flow
Research Group: Rheology and multiphase flow
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
Dr.-Ing. Manuel Münsch | Phone number: +49 9131 85-29570 | Email: | Website: |
Suharto Saha, M. Sc. | Phone number: +49 9131 85-29572 | Email: | Website: |
Main research areas
- Turbulent flows via RANS, LES or DNS; LES SGS models
- Multiphase flows: Numerical prediction of disperse and separated flows
- Fluid-Structure-Interaction: Semi-implicit coupling for turbulent flows
- Flows with conjugate heat transfer
- Optimization: Heat exchangers, vertical axis wind turbines
- Code development: In-house solver FASTEST-3D, OpenFoam
Methods & techniques
- Finite-Volume Method, Finite-Element Method
Numerical optimization via design sweeps, data sampling, genetic algorithms or adjoint optimization
Recent research topics
- Deep Sea Sampling (DSS): Fluid mechanical design for a minimally invasive deep-sea mining, BMWi
- ALuVe: Innovative and Actively Controllable Spray Dryer with an Adaptive Air Distribution Unit employing Adaptive Flow Control for Product Range Diversification for the Food Processing Industry, BMWi/ZIM
- CompactStream: Development of a ventilation system with miniaturized, recuperative heat exchanger made from plastic material with antimicrobial, anti-ice coating, integrated electrostatic filter for particulate matter and scalable air flow, BMWi/ZIM
- FIT 2.0: Development of a method for application-specific parameterization of forming air impact technology, BMWi/AiF
Industrial Projects, miscellaneous PLC and SME
Selected former research topics
- PhaDi: Investigations on the liquid-gas separation and diffusion using porous media under compensated gravity, BMWi/DLR
- FIT 1.0: Directed local forming air flow for improved material thickness, BMWi/AiF.
Virtual engineering and optimization of static atomization nozzles for low pressure cleaning of film like soiling, BMWi/AiF - ECHOTASC: Essentially consistent high-order accurate schemes for aeroacoustics and usage of thermal sources as sound controller, BMWi/ZIM
3D modeling and simulation of the triple junction line movement in Czochralski crystal growth, DFG - DFG FOR-493: Numerical and experimental investigations of fluid structure interaction in turbulent three-dimensional flows – principle configuration FLUSTRUC, Sub-Project Numerics, DFG
Experimental Fluid Mechanics
Aliena Altmann, M. Sc. | Phone number: +49 9131 85-29486 | Email: | Website: |
Simon Wrana, M. Sc. | Phone number: +49 9131 85-29489 | Email: | Website: |
Main research areas
- Multiphase flows: Particle-laden flows, film flows
- Sensors, optical methods, development and adaption of measurement techniques
Methods & techniques
- Particle tracking
- Particle image velocimetry
- Flow visualization
- Light sheet techniques
- Free-surface detection
- Refractive-image techniques
Recent research topics
- Impact of inertia on flow-induced particle motion in laminar shear flow, DFG
- Deep Sea Sampling (DSS): Fluid mechanical design for a minimally invasive deep-sea mining, BMWi
- Three-dimensional instabilities film flows
- Substrate impact on flow-induced particle motion in laminar shear flows, DFG
- Pneumatic testing of valves
- Industrial Projects, miscellaneous PLC and SME
Selected former research topics
- Impact of topology on film flows: Eddies, waves, resonance, hydraulic jumps
- Flow-induced particle motion in creeping flows
- Dunes in shear flows
- Optimization of cyclone efficiency
- Material exchange and air entrainment, mass transport through interfaces
- Instabilities, nonlinear dynamics in fluid mechanics
- Convection and waves: Bénard-Marangoni, Rayleigh-Bénard
Santanu Kumar Basu, M. Sc. | Phone number: +49 9131 85-29579 | Email: | Website: |
Markus Neuner, M. Sc. | Phone number: +49 9131 85-29489 | Email: | Website: |
Moataz Tolba |
Main research areas
- Narrow-gap rheometry
- High-shear rates
- Polymer solutions
- Biorheology
Methods & techniques
- Shear rheometry & dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA)
- Narrow-gap rheometry
- Viscosity and normal stress measurements @ shear rates from 10-3 – 4∙105 s-1
- Cell monolayer rheometry
- In-situ fluorescence microscopy
Recent research topics
- Improving temperature reliability at high shear rates
- Linear viscoelasticity of cancerous and non-cancerous cell lines
- Impact of microtubule-interacting drugs on the rheological properties and protein expression in cancer cells, NRF
- Second Newtonian region of polymer solutions, DFG
- Industrial Projects, miscellaneous PLC and SME
Selected former research topics
- Adhesion limit of cells in shear flow
- Load limit of cells in shear flow
High-Pressure Technology
Prof. Dr. habil. Andreas Wierschem | Phone number: +49 9131 85-29566 | Email: | Website: |
Main research areas
- Phase transitions (melting curve, crystallization, solidification)
- Pressure-dependent material properties (viscosity, density, compressibility, pH value)
- Flow and temperature fields
Methods & techniques
- Pressure range up to 4500 bar
- Temperature controlled autoclaves with optical accessibility (up to 3 windows)
- In-situ optical methods, microscopy, pH value measurements
- Rolling and falling ball viscometer
- Compressibility test
- Particle image velocimeter
Recent research topicsAbschlussarbeiten
- Natural fats
- Optical detection of crystal growth & melting curves
- Industrial Projects, miscellaneous PLC and SME
Selected former research topics
- pH value detection for food industrial processes
- Development of measurement techniques to determine pressure-dependent material properties
Prof. Dr. habil. Andreas Wierschem | Phone number: +49 9131 85-29566 | Email: | Website: |
Main research areas
- Air suction, combustion, heat transfer
- Gas combustion incl. hydrogen combustion
- Porous burner technology, ovens
- Non-thermal plasma
Methods & techniques
- Measurements @ lab and industrial scale
- Divers experimental, numerical studies and modeling of heat transfer and combustion
Recent research topics
- H2 combustion for the efficient hydrogen application, BMWi/ZIM
- Innovative baking in a tunnel oven based on high NIR and IR thermal radiation, BMWi/AiF
- Development of a novel groundwater treatment for the removal of low concentrated per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances and its precursors, based on adsorption and non-thermal plasma, BMWi/ZIM
- Industrial Projects, miscellaneous PLC and SME
Selected former research topics
- Atmospheric burner
- Dark radiators
- Heat exchangers
- Geothermal energy
- Ash characteristics, deposit formation and removal
- Biomass combustion
Research Group: Aerodynamics and Acoustics
Numerical Approaches: CFD, CAA and Optimization
Eman Bagheri, M. Sc. | Phone number: +49 9131 85-28291 | Email: | Website: |
Florian Wachter, M. Sc. | Phone number: +49 9131 85-28272 | Email: | Website: |
Jörg Riedel, M. Sc. | Phone number: +49 9131 85-29505 | Email: | Website: |
Main research areas
- Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Simulation
- Computational Aeroacoustics (CAA) Simulation
- Solver Development in OpenFOAM
- Fluid-Structure-Acoustic Interaction
- Discrete Adjoint Optimization
- Machine Learning Algorithm
- Multi-Phase Flow
- Structure Vibration and Modal Analysis
Methods and techniques
- Finite Volume and Finite Element Methods
- Pertubated Convective Wave Equations
- FW-H Methods
- HPC Computing
- LES and DNS
- OpenFoam, StarCCM+, Ansys, SU2, FASTEST3D
- Simcenter, CFTurbo
- Psychoacoustic Analysis Program
- Design Tool for Axial and Radial Impeller
Recent research topics
- BayVFP (VDI/VDE): VALIDAD: Pulsating Heat Pipes for Cooling of High Power Electronics
- BMBF: AKUMET3D: Acoustical Metamaterials for Sound Absorption in Pipes
- BFS – Adjoint Optimization Methods in Fluid System Technology
- BFS – Wind Noises on Hearing Aids
- WTD: Sound Generation in Axially Symmetrical, Turbulent Boundary Layers on a Simplified Trailing Antenna Geometry/Sonar System
Selected former research
- Virtual Vehicle: Simulation of Low-Frequency Vehicle Interior Noise with Wind Excitation
- Virtual Vehicle: Aeroacoustic Simulation of Rotating Systems in HVAC Systems
- Bayern-E-home – Optimization and Noise Reduction for Vertical Wind Turbine
- EU-FET- EUNISION: Extensive UNIfied-domain SimulatiON of the human voice
- Bavarian Research Alliance: Noise Reduction of Technical Facilities
- EDA-CAPEM: Conformal Array Performance Estimation Modelling
- INIFAU: Multiphysical Simulation Model for External Noise Prediction in the Early Development Phase of a Car
Measurement Techniques and Experimental Fluid Mechanics
Felix Czwielong, M. Sc. | Phone number: +49 9131 85-28272 | Email: | Website: |
Christoph Näger, M. Sc. | Phone number: +49 9131 85-28291 | Email: | Website: |
Lukas Saur, M. Sc. | Phone number: +49 9131 85-29505 | Email: | Website: |
Jörg Riedel, M. Sc. | Phone number: +49 9131 85-29505 | Email: | Website: |
Main research areas
- Acoustic Test Facilities
- Hybrid Acoustic PIV
- Vibro-Acoustic Measurements
- Microphone Arrays
- Flow-Acoustic Correlation
- Flow Visualization
- Inflight Acoustic Sensors
- Active Turbulence Grid
Methods and techniques
- Hot Wire Measurements
- Laser Scanning Vibrometer
- Multi-Pressure Systems
- Kiel-probe Array
- Smoke Generator
- Telemetric System
- Matches Index Refraction Technique
- Aeroacoustic and Flow Test Facilities
- Large Wind Tunnel
- Water Tunnel
Recent research topics
- BayVFP (VDI/VDE): VALIDAD: Pulsating Heat Pipes for Cooling of High Power Electronics
- AiF Research Project (20997 N/1): Sound Measurement of Axial Fans in Pipes
- AiF Research Project (12345 N/1): Characterization and Prediction of the Sound Radiation of Axial Fans under the Influence of Heat Exchangers
Selected former research
- Bayern-Green Factory – Design of Low Noise Production Facilities
- Bayern-E-home – Optimization and Noise Reduction for Vertical Wind Turbines
- EU FP7 – The Development and Verification of a Novel Modular Air Cooled Condenser for Enhanced Concentrated Solar Power Generation
- Bavarian Research Alliance: Noise Reduction of Technical Facilities
Felix Czwielong, M. Sc. | Phone number: +49 9131 85-28272 | Email: | Website: |
Lukas Saur, M. Sc. | Phone number: +49 9131 85-29505 | Email: | Website: |
Jörg Riedel, M. Sc. | Phone number: +49 9131 85-29505 | Email: | Website: |
Main research areas
- Acoustic Test Facilities for Fans
- Fan Acoustics
- Turbocharger
- Active Turbulence Grid
- Fans by Different Installation Conditions
- Optimization
- Multi-Port Measurements
- Scroll Compressor
- Wind Turbines
- Serrated Leading Edge Fan Design
- Friction Ventilator
Methods and techniques
- FW-H
- Perturbed Convective Wave Equation (PCWE)
- Multi-Pressure Systems
- Kiel-probe Array
- Telemetric System
- Axial – and Radial Impeller Test Rig
- Microphone Array
- Laser Scanning VibrometerAxial – and Radial Impeller Test Rig
- Microphone Array
- Laser Scanning Vibrometer
Recent research topics
- INIFAU: Acoustics and Operating Behavior of Scroll Compressors as System Components in the Thermal Management of Electric Vehicles
- AiF Research Project (20997 N/1): Sound Measurement of Axial Fans in Pipes
- AiF Research Project (12345 N/1): Characterization and Prediction of the Sound Radiation of Axial Fans under the Influence of Heat Exchangers
- AIF/ZIM: Turbo Resonator for Compressors
- FFG Bridge Austria: Modelling and Simulation of Flow Acoustics of Compressors in Vehicle Turbochargers
Selected former research
- BoschRexroth: Sound emission of low-pressure axial fans under distorted inflow conditions
- GardnerDenver: Flow and Flow-Induced Sound Radiation of Side Channel Blowers
- Bayern-E-home – Optimization and Noise Reduction for Vertical Wind Turbines
- BFS: Aeroacoustic Sound Generation in Fans and their Sound Radiation
- INIFAU: Sound Radiation of the Exhaust Gas Turbocharger as a Function of the Compressor and Turbine Inflow
Ventilations and Cooling Systems
Felix Czwielong, M. Sc. | Phone number: +49 9131 85-28272 | Email: | Website: |
Lukas Saur, M. Sc. | Phone number: +49 9131 85-29505 | Email: | Website: |
Eman Bagheri, M. Sc. | Phone number: +49 9131 85-28291 | Email: | Website: |
Main research areas
- Pulsating Heat Pumps
- Heat Exchanger and Fan Installations
- Psychoacoustics
- HCAC Systems
- Motor Cooling Systems
Methods and techniques
- Multi-Pressure Systems
- Telemetric System
- Aeroacoustic and Flow Test Facilities
- Multi-Phase Simulation
Recent research topics
- BayVFP (VDI/VDE): VALIDAD: Pulsating Heat Pipes for Cooling of High Power Electronics
- AiF Research Project (12345 N/1): Characterization and Prediction of the Sound Radiation of Axial Fans under the Influence of Heat Exchangers
Selected former research
- INIFAU: Aeroacoustic Noise Prediction of Automotive HVAC Systems
- INIFAU: Development of a Methodology for the Design of Vehicle Air Conditioning Systems under Consideration of Psychoacoustic
- BFS: Noise reduction of the ventilation systems of low-energy/passive houses
- BFS : Noise reduction of the cooling equipment of technical systems and devices
- Brose: Acoustics of Motor Cooling Fans
Sound Absorption Technology
Felix Czwielong, M. Sc. | Phone number: +49 9131 85-28272 | Email: | Website: |
Jörg Riedel, M. Sc. | Phone number: +49 9131 85-29505 | Email: | Website: |
Main research areas
- Acoustic Metamaterials
- Resonator
- Porous Materials
- Absorber in Flow Systems
- Kevlar Foils
Methods and techniques
- Hot Wire Measurements
- Multi-Port Test Rigs
- Multi-Pressure Systems
Recent research topics
- AiF Research Project (20997 N/1): Sound Measurement of Axial Fans in Pipes
- BMBF: AKUMET3D: Acoustical Metamaterials for Sound Absorption in Pipes
Selected former research
- Bayern-Green Factory – Design of Low Noise Production Facilities
- AIF/ZIM: Turbo Resonator for Compressors
- FLT: Application of Kevlar foils for minimizing the influence of fluid mechanical pressures during acoustic measurements with slot tube probes on fans
- Schmalz: Development of a silencer for vacuum technology components
Car Acoustics and Flight Systems
apl. Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Stefan Becker | Phone number: +49 9131 85-29579 | Email: | Website: |
Main research areas
- Fluid-Structure-Acoustic Interaction
- Vibro-Acoustic Measurements
- Inflight Acoustic Sensors
- Low Noise Drone Flight
- Active Flow Control
- Acoustics of E-Bikes
Methods and techniques
- Laser Scanning Vibrometer
- Multi-Pressure Systems
- Aeroacoustic Wind Tunnel
- Large Wind Tunnel
Recent research topics
- AkESoFlug: Energy-efficient, acoustically self-optimized drive technology for autonomous aviation
Selected former research
- BFS – Sound design for Passenger Car Interiors
- Virtual Vehicle: Simulation of Low-Frequency Vehicle Interior Noise with Wind Excitation
- INIFAU: Multiphysical Simulation Model for External Noise Prediction in the Early Development Phase of a Car
- DFG: Inflight Transition Measurements on an Airplane Wing using LDA
- VW: Active Flow Control on a 1:4 Car Model
Medical Technology
Christoph Näger, M. Sc. | Phone number: +49 9131 85-28291 | Email: | Website: |
Jörg Riedel, M. Sc. | Phone number: +49 9131 85-29505 | Email: | Website: |
Main research areas
- Hearing Aids
- Human Voice
- Hybrid Acoustic PIV
Methods and techniques
- Laser Scanning Vibrometer
- Multi-Pressure Systems
- Laser Scanning Vibrometer
- Artificial Vocal Folds
Recent research topics
- DFG: Tracing the mechanisms that generate tonal content in voiced speech
- BFS – Wind Noises on Hearing Aids
Selected former research
- DFG: The flow-structure interaction and the induced sound on a realistic physical vocal fold model – active model
- EU-FET- EUNISION: Extensive UNIfied-domain SimulatiON of the human voice
- University Hospital: Investigation of the influence of an internal fixator on stiffness in the pelvic ring and sacral fractures
- University Hospital: CFD investigations of medical cement on a bone screw
Hiwi Positions
- HiWi oder Abschlussarbeit: Untersuchung der Klangerzeugungsmechanismen in akustischen Gitarren
Hintergrund: Der Klang einer akustischen Gitarre entsteht durch das komplexe Zusammenspiel von akustischen und strukturellen Schwingungen, die durch Saitenspannung, Saitenschwingungen, die Helmholtz-Resonanz und weitere Phänomene…
- HiWi/studentische Hilfskraft (bis zu 19h/Woche) zur Unterstützung im Bereich Konstruktion und Versuch
Hintergrund: In der Arbeitsgruppe Aerodynamik & Akustik des Lehrstuhls für Strömungsmechanik werden regelmäßig wissenschaftliche Hilfskräfte gesucht, die bei der Vorbereitung und Durchführung von Versuchen an…
- Hiwi/studentische Hilfskraft (bis zu 19 h pro Woche) zur Unterstützung in der Forschung zu Axialventilatoren, Untersuchung von porösen Strukturen und Raumakustik
Hintergrund: Unsere Forschungsgruppe fokussiert sich auf die aerodynamische und akustische Untersuchung sowie Verbesserung von Axialventilatoren, insbesondere durch Messungen der Ventilatoreigenschaften hinter Wärmeübertragern in Wärmepumpen. Ein…
- HiWi-Stelle: Unterstützung in der aeroakustischen Forschung mit Schwerpunkt auf Windkanaluntersuchungen von Drohnen-/Multikopterpropellern
Hintergrund: Unser Forschungsteam widmet sich der Aerodynamik und Akustik von Unbemannten Luftfahrzeugen (UAVs), speziell Multikoptern. Ziel ist es, unseren aeroakustischen Windkanal zu charakterisieren und experimentelle…
- Stellenausschreibung: Hiwi für den Aufbau eines Datenerfassungssystems zur Messung von Schallemissionen im Flug einer Drohne (Quadrocopter)
Hintergrund: Unsere Forschungsgruppe widmet sich unter anderem der Untersuchung von Schallemissionen während des Flugs von Quadrocoptern. Diese Untersuchung ist von großer Bedeutung, da sie Einblicke…
- Projekt- / Masterarbeit oder Hiwi – Vibroakustische Optimierung eines Scroll-Verdichters
Hintergrund: Mit der schnell fortschreitenden Entwicklung neuer E-Fahrzeuge rückt das Thermomanagement im Fahrzeug zu einer zentralen Schlüsselkomponente in den Fokus. Über das HVAC-System und dem…
Advertised Thesis Subjects
Available Subjects
- Master‘s thesis: Investigation of Inflow Conditions for Aeroacoustic Applications in Nek5000
Background: An accurate inflow condition is crucial for obtaining reliable results for turbulent flows. These inflow conditions must replicate the physical behavior of the flow…
- Large-scale simulations of wall turbulence using SIMSON
Background: SIMSON is a pseudo-spectral solver of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations which uses a velocity/vorticity formulation and a Fourier/Chebyshev representation of the fields. While the…
- Abschlussarbeit Strömungsmessungen am LSTM Ölkanal
Hintergrund: Für alle laseroptischen Messverfahren ergeben sich Schwierigkeiten bei Untersuchungen in unmittelbarer Wandnähe. Bevor es zum Berühren des Messvolumens an der Wandoberfläche kommt, behindert Streulicht,…
- HiWi oder Abschlussarbeit: Untersuchung der Klangerzeugungsmechanismen in akustischen Gitarren
Hintergrund: Der Klang einer akustischen Gitarre entsteht durch das komplexe Zusammenspiel von akustischen und strukturellen Schwingungen, die durch Saitenspannung, Saitenschwingungen, die Helmholtz-Resonanz und weitere Phänomene…
- Master/Project thesis: Simulations of rough boundary layers using Nek5000
Background: Turbulent boundary layers develop around all moving bodies immersed in a fluid once the Reynolds number is sufficiently high. Our understanding of the processes…
- Projekt-, Bachelor- oder Masterarbeit – Experimentelle Charakterisierung eines aeroakustischen Windkanals und Untersuchungen von Drohnen-/ Multikopterpropellern
Hintergrund: Unser Forschungsteam widmet sich der Aerodynamik und Akustik von Unbemannten Luftfahrzeugen (UAVs), speziell Multikoptern. Ziel ist es, unseren aeroakustischen Windkanal zu charakterisieren und experimentelle…
- Projekt-, Bachelor- oder Masterarbeit: CFD-Simulation von einem Quadrokopter zur Analyse des Strömungsfelds und Entstehung von Schall mit der Validierung durch experimentelle Messungen im Windkanal
Hintergrund: Unsere Forschungsgruppe beschäftigt sich intensiv mit der Aerodynamik und Akustik von Quadrokoptern oder auch Unbemannte Luftfahrzeugen (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, UAV). Im Rahmen dieses Projekts…
- Projekt-/Masterarbeit zur raumakustischen Analyse und Optimierung der Wirtschafts und Sozialwissenschaftlichen Bibliothek der FAU Erlangen Nürnberg
Hintergrund: Der Altbau der Wirtschafts und Sozialwissenschtlichen Zweigbibliothek in der Langengasse 20 in 90403 Nürnberg, ist bekannt über eine ausgesprochen schlechte Raumakustik zu verfügen. Besonders…
- Master/Project thesis: Flat plate boundary layer measurements in wind tunnel
Background: A uniform fluid flow over a solid surface develops a boundary layer because of the viscous forces very close to the wall. Due to…
- Abschlussarbeit- / Projektarbeit: CFD Simulation von Axialventilatorschaufeln mit poröser Modifikation der Vorderkante
Hintergrund: In modernen Lüftungsanlagen und Wärmepumpen ist der Einsatz von Axialventilatoren unerlässlich. Besonders durch die enorm gestiegene Nachfrage nach diesen Systemen gewinnt die durch sie…
Assigned Subjects
- Projekt-/Masterarbeit: Numerische Untersuchung eines Glasschallschutzes für Orchestermusiker mittels openCFS
Hintergrund: Bei Orchestermusikern weltweit kommt es aufgrund der temporär hohen Schallbelastung immer wieder zu gravierenden Hörschädigungen, die im schlimmsten Fall irreversibel sind und zur Berufsunfähigkeit führen.…
- Master/Project: CFD simulation of the cooling circuit of a fuel cell powered Rotary Drilling Rig
Background: As part of a new research project at the Chair of Fluid Mechanics, a rotary drilling rig for special civil engineering is to be…
- Projekt- / Masterarbeit – Strömungssimulation des Kompressionsvorgangs in einem Scroll-Verdichter
Hintergrund: Mit der schnell fortschreitenden Entwicklung neuer E-Fahrzeuge rückt das Thermomanagement im Fahrzeug zu einer zentralen Schlüsselkomponente in den Fokus. Über das HVAC-System und dem…
- Projekt-/Masterarbeit Raumakustische Analyse des CBI-Foyers in der Cauerstraße 4
Hintergrund: Das Foyer im Lehrgebäude der Chemie- und Bioingenieure in der Cauerstraße 4 der FAU ist bekannt dafür über eine ausgesprochen schlechte Raumakustik zu verfügen.…
- Projekt-/Masterarbeit CFD-Simulation der Luft-/ und Temperaturverteilung in einem klimatisierten Kircheninnenraum
Hintergrund: Im Zuge der Renovierungsarbeiten der in den nachempfundenen Formen der Frühgotik erbauten St. Johanniskirche in Forchheim wird über den Einbau eines neuen Klimatisierungssystems nachgedacht,…